Hardcover: 379 pages
Language: Serbian
Publisher: Neven (2012)
ISBN-10: 8678423099
ISBN-13: 978-8678423093
“With his book, The Gospel Sermons, Father Vasilije places onto the same spiritual plain the two seemingly incompatible ages – the times of establishment and consolidation of Christ’s faith, and the times of its accelerated and, we could say, passionate demolition.
To fully understand the power of Tomić’s narrative, we need to start with his uncompromising clash with the world around us and with the anemic and faithless everyday life. The preacher’s words cut relentlessly into the tissue of today’s world, revealing our journey on this planet as a series of compromises in which we exhaust ourselves and fade away as God’s beings. The basic characteristic of our time, therefore, is the opposition to the Life-giver. The author reviews all the challenges of modern times relative to the values established when the Holy Scripture was being written; any contemporary spiritual tempest has been measured by the same instruments used to gauge the immensity of the pre-Flood fall of mankind and the sufferings at Golgotha. Out of this ability to simultaneously dwell in both of those worlds and to apply the standards of eternal values against the passing crises and porous contemporary standards comes Father Vasilije’s unique skill in always perceiving an Evangelical story from a different angle.
What makes Tomić’s sermons exceptional is his ability to console and heal us while revealing our spiritual weakness at the same time. In one hand he holds the Holy Gospels against which he critiques each and every step we make, but from his other hand, Father Tomić offers the Cross of Salvation. While he scolds and thunders, he forgives and gives blessings; while he hurts our wounds, he pours grace and love abundantly on them.” (Davor Milićević, Ph.D.)
Hardcover: 320 pages
Language: English
Publisher: Istocnik (2009)
ISBN-10: 8687403062
ISBN-13: 978-8687403062
This book is an annual cycle of sermons dealing with apostolic topics. As it appears that the readings of the Epistles are taken out of their context, Father Vasilije attempts, through his sermons, to clothe these texts in the times and circumstances in which they were created and to complement them with detailed theological explanations. What makes this book so valuable is the author’s effort to link the times of the Apostles with contemporary times and to point out the universal and eternally applicable standards of God’s Law, as well as the ethical standards that the Law provides. This culminates in the Apostle’s warning not to “be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings” (Hebrews 13:9), as “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).
“This collection of Christian sermon work is a considerable contribution to our theological homiletic literature. The language is clear and the presentation is concise, which makes the book easy to read.” (Stanimir Spasović, Ph.D.)
Ријеч Божија Неспутана
Hardcover: 294 pages
Language: Serbian
Publisher: Istocnik (2009)