I shall mention two or three events, in the order they have engraved in my mind and soul, to clarify my gloomy question: Where is this insane world plunging Lately, not the topic of the starving world, or poverty of the poor, not illnesses and difficulties of the crazy world, wars and riots and many ...
This year of our Lord, 2018, we witness a great celebration of 1030 years of Christianity in Russia Three decades ago there was a celebration of a millennium of their Christianization. Given the circumstances of that time it was not possible to have such grand celebration, but now the conditions are favourable. I also feel ...
I think of the holy Apostle Paul as though he were our contemporary, a man I might run into around the corner, if only I went looking for him. Not a single word he wrote or inspired others to write, is excessive. Generation upon generation of Christians recognized themselves in every thought of his. Likewise, ...
John 17:1-13 Those that live and work according to the spirit of God, they are the sons of God. We have all been called to be the children of God. Do we not call God our Father and do we not address Him as such in our prayers? However, in order to address Him as ...
Тhere is a very moving passage from the Gospel about the healing of two blind men. (Matthew 9:27-35 We can never totally relate to them because God has spared us the misfortune of being blind. However, we can be sure of one thing: their joy was immense after their healing The Gospel describes other, even ...
Matthew 4:12-17 The Holy Scriptures tells us that the Lord began His work of redemption with a call for repentance. After He had fought off the temptation of the devil in the wilderness, He withdrew to the coastal areas, in order for the prophecies to be fulfilled: “The people that sat in the darkness have ...
A few days ago, I got a call from a friend, and, in these southern parts, my neighbour. We talked at great length about what follows and what disturbs him deeply; and he called me to ask me to spread the word of his concerns as a warning and a caution; so that people know ...
I often have difficulty choosing a title for my writings. The title should sum up in a few words everything that follows it. This time, however, the title just came to my mind; to comfort me and to encourage me in my struggle Here is why: I spend most of the year in the south ...
All sorts of things have been done to us Christians: we’ve been insulted we’ve been poked, we’ve been pushed around, and we’ve been slapped: our induration and indifference boundaries have been tested. And we are in a deep sleep, deeper than the bear’s hibernation; we’ve been dormant to the point of inexistence I was walking ...
I have been struggling for days with the thought of tackling the following topic. I was more at peace before I encountered this human disgrace I’m about to discuss. For, how can one talk about filth and yet remain clean However, I decided to react to this newest misdeed, and to share my burdensome thoughts ...