The meaning of Christian suffering

The meaning of Christian suffering
“The persecution and genocide of Christians across the world is worse today “than at any time in history,” and Western governments are failing to stop it, a report from a Catholic organization said. The study by Aid to the Church in Need said the treatment of Christians has worsened substantially in the past two years compared with the two ...

Смисао хришћанског страдања

Смисао хришћанског страдања
”Прогон хришћана и геноцид над њима, широм свијета, гори је данас него икада у новијој историји”, коментарише Њусвик, 16. фебруара 2019 године, извјештај римокатоличке организације ”Помоћ Цркви у невољи”. Западне владе не чине довољно да се овај прогон хришћана заустави. Ова организација наводи да је третман хрићана, задњих двије године, увелико погоршан и пуно је ...

Wearisome more than one can say

Wearisome more than one can say
“Everything is wearisome more than one can say; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.” (Ecclesiastes 1:8) One must wonder: will this insanity ever end; will the evildoers ever stop; so that we can at least obtain a respite. Because every single day leads from one misdeed to another; ...

Use of words

Use of words
“Come, let us strike him with the tongue” (Jeremiah 18:18) said the fellow tribesmen and the contemporaries of Jeremiah, the prophet because he spoke what they did not want to hear. “Come, let us strike him with the tongue”, a thought, spoken thousands of years before any of us, announced ourselves on this earth with ...

The hand of the diligent shall bear rule

The hand of the diligent shall bear rule
Work is a commandment. Whether it is punishment or a reward, that is an entirely different issue, but it is an irrefutable fact that one must work. Our Lord Jesus Christ worked hard since His youth. “We must never forget that Christ was a worker and the adopted son of a worker. It must not ...

You are the light of the world.

You are the light of the world.
Matthew 5:13 The Holy Gospel says that our Lord calls us, the Christians, the light of the world. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to ...

Judges, the slaves of the sin

Judges, the slaves of the sin
Thank God that the dismay and world embarrassment is over – the “reality show” about confirming of who is now the Judge of the Supreme Court of America If the whole world was loudly laughing to the first man of “the only superpower” when he shamelessly lied to the statesmen of all countries about the ...

The Soul

The Soul
The Holy Scriptures (Mark 8:34 – 9:1) encourage us to question ourselves and to continuously check and re-check our values and prioritie The word of God places the soul of each and every one of us as the value above all values. Consequently, our work on the salvation of our souls is the only reason ...

The story of Zacchaeus

The story of Zacchaeus
Luke 19:1-10 The evangelical story of Zacchaeus is a story of a man who, through repentance, was reborn and newly born into life eternal Zacchaeus was the leader of the tax collectors (Luke 19:2). The tax collectors were, for the Jews of that day, the most hated and despised kind of people on the earth. ...

To the Church or from the Church

To the Church or from the Church
Very often we meet those “wise and calm” who do not mingle with any of their people, and, as they say, ” they mind their own business”. They want to look better and smarter then the rest of us, to themselves and to us, while they are up to their necks in various troubles, and ...