John 17:1-13 Certain days in the Church year are dedicated to the memory of the Holy Fathers. These are the men, brothers and sisters, who, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, studied, interpreted and spread the teachings of the Church. Many of them sacrificed a great deal for the holy teachings. Most of them gave their ...
“Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (Jer. 23, 29) Our words as well, once, were clean and scorching like a fire; and they had such weight behind them so that hard rocks would shatter under them. In the meantime, our words ...
(Rom. 12: 10) St. Paul’s epistle to the Romans, chapter 6, gives us a most valuable lesson on how to live together, how to coordinate our relationships and how to transcend our many weaknesses, among which pride and envy are the chief. For us Serbs, one of the instructions of the Apostle has a particularly ...
(Rom. 10: 10) “For with the heart one believes into righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Rom. 10:10) writes St. Paul in his epistle to the Christians in Rome. Before this, the Apostle expounds on a subject that was very common in his day, as it is in ours: what does ...
Acts 11: 19 – 26; 29 – 30 talks about the first and, by all standards, most fruitful and joyful times of the Church of Christ. It was the time of zeal and flourishing, when all the people who believed were “of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things ...
Tim. 1, 15-17 Holy apostle Paul visited us with the most joyful message of encouragement and hope. “This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Of these I am the foremost.”(1. Tim. 1, 15) “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so ...
The demons, as the most skilled conman, in countless and unfathomable ways pull people into prelest. “He lies in wait secretly, as a lion in his den; He lies in wait to catch the poor; He catches the poor when he draws him into his net.” (Ps. 10, 9) “There are many who ascended into ...
…”when they, because of their pride, have contempt for others, speak poorly of them, yet keep that they are worthy, in their mind, to be pastors to the sheep and their teachers, they resemble a blind man wishing to show they way for other blind men.” St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov Perhaps the title is slightly harsh, ...
The 6th Sunday of the Great Lent that has just touched our lives is bordered by two resurrections. The first is the resurrection of a man, Lazarus and the latter is the Resurrection of God the Savior Himself. The Lord raised Lazarus from the dead and a week later, having trampled down death by death and ...
The words of the Gospel that we hear at holy liturgy on the fifth Sunday of lent are very thought-provoking. The theme of the Gospel (Mark 10:32-45) is as interesting as it is difficult for us Christians. It has to do with the relationship of Christians with authority, with all the human authorities of this ...